Review: Mine - A Meet Me in the Dark Novella (Jackson + Charlotte)

Print Length: 59 pages
Publisher: Jade Dare (February 4, 2023)

From It's Valentine's Day, and both Jackson and Charlotte have surprises in store for the night. All of them sexy. All of them filthy. And all of them dangerous.


My Rating: 1 star out of 5

I'm just going to come right out and say it. I absolutely LOATHE Jackson. I didn't care for him in the first book because of some of the lines that were crossed, and I don't like him in this novella. 

It is one thing to role-play with your partner. It is another thing entirely to cross the line into abuse, and in my opinion, that is what he does. 

Strike One - He takes her so hard that she bleeds. And he seems to get off on the fact that he has done so, even making her taste it. 

Strike Two - Overlooking the fact that his hand is fisted so hard in her hair that it's painful, we have this literal excerpt from the book. "But then I scream out in agony at the pain of him throwing me into the bottom cabinet." I'm sorry being thrown into a cabinet is sexy now? 

Strike Three - He doesn't properly prepare her at first for exactly how he wants to take her, using the pain in order to get her to do what he wants. 

Now maybe for some people these points actually ARE sexy and a turn-on that they can easily overlook, but for me? I like my BDSM WITHOUT a side of DV thank you very much. 

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