Book Tour & Review: The Duke's Stolen Bride (The Rogue Files #5) by Sophie Jordan
Print Length: 368 pages
Publisher: Avon (October 22, 2019)
Genre: Historical Romance
Tour Organized by: Pure Textuality PR
DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.
From An urgent dilemma…
To save her impoverished family, Marian Langley will become a mistress. But she will not be just any mistress. Marian intends to become so skilled, so coveted, that she can set her own terms, retaining control over her body and her fate. Only one problem remains: finding a tutor…
A scandalous solution…
Other men deprive themselves of pleasure for propriety's sake. Nathaniel, Duke of Warrington, would much rather be depraved. He slakes his desires with professionals who ask nothing of him but his coin. Marian's proposal—that he train her without taking her virtue—is an intriguing diversion, until their lessons in seduction spin out of control.
And a most unlikely duchess…
When Marian is blackmailed into engagement by a man she despises, Nate impulsively steals her away. Though he never intended to take a wife, he can't tolerate the idea of Marian forfeiting her freedom to another. But can he bear to give her what she demands—a real marriage?
BOOK EXCEPT: “Have you kissed a man before?”
She blinked, startled from her thoughts at this bold question.
She’d have to get accustomed to his bold questions—and the even bolder actions that would inevitably come. She shifted on the sofa, focusing on his question again. She’d certainly flirted with her share of handsome footmen, but she’d dodged most of their lips.
“Come now,” he pressed. “For this undertaking, we must be honest and forthcoming. No prevaricating and no avoidance. That shall be our first rule.”
“Rules?” she cut in, disliking that word. It must be her temperament. Papa always claimed she had a fair amount of hoyden to her.
“Oh, yes.” His dark eyes glinted.
My Rating: 3 stars out of 5
This was an interesting novel. To begin with, even though I have not read any of the prior novels, I was able to understand and enjoy this one. I didn't see any real overlap between prior characters or storylines (although they were mentioned here and there).
I enjoyed having a female character that not only knew her own mind, but was willing to do whatever it took to save her family, up to and including becoming a kept woman to a wealthy man. You couldn't help but feel sorry for her, having been left nearly destitute when her father died, and still having to provide for her younger siblings.
The part that I had trouble believing was that this same take no quarter gently bred woman, would not only somehow "know" how to respond to passion with very little encouragement, but would also allow herself to be walked on by the person she has asked for help from. Honestly, Nate would have deserved it if she refused to give him the time of day after the way he treated her.
Speaking of Nate, while I found his desire to marry her to keep her from being forced into marriage with someone else, his behavior came across more "I don't really want her, but I won't allow you to have her either" and less "I really do have feelings for her outside of the bedroom". They have some conversations in which he comes across as a complete jerk, uncaring about her wants and feelings, only to come to the sudden realization that he does, in fact, love her.
I definitely would have liked to have seen maybe less of them having sex, and more of them finding their way as husband and wife. Something that would have made their love feel more real. For me while the sex is always a nice added benefit to any story, it's more fun sometimes to watch them find a way to merge their lives together. I also would have liked to have seen some of the reactions from the others in the village. Those that knew of the Duke's reputation, and have known Marian since she was a child.
All things considered however, I know there will be those who will enjoy this story for what it is, and it really is a well-written story that is easy to pass the time with. I would read more from this author.
I enjoyed having a female character that not only knew her own mind, but was willing to do whatever it took to save her family, up to and including becoming a kept woman to a wealthy man. You couldn't help but feel sorry for her, having been left nearly destitute when her father died, and still having to provide for her younger siblings.
The part that I had trouble believing was that this same take no quarter gently bred woman, would not only somehow "know" how to respond to passion with very little encouragement, but would also allow herself to be walked on by the person she has asked for help from. Honestly, Nate would have deserved it if she refused to give him the time of day after the way he treated her.
Speaking of Nate, while I found his desire to marry her to keep her from being forced into marriage with someone else, his behavior came across more "I don't really want her, but I won't allow you to have her either" and less "I really do have feelings for her outside of the bedroom". They have some conversations in which he comes across as a complete jerk, uncaring about her wants and feelings, only to come to the sudden realization that he does, in fact, love her.
I definitely would have liked to have seen maybe less of them having sex, and more of them finding their way as husband and wife. Something that would have made their love feel more real. For me while the sex is always a nice added benefit to any story, it's more fun sometimes to watch them find a way to merge their lives together. I also would have liked to have seen some of the reactions from the others in the village. Those that knew of the Duke's reputation, and have known Marian since she was a child.
All things considered however, I know there will be those who will enjoy this story for what it is, and it really is a well-written story that is easy to pass the time with. I would read more from this author.
DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.
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