Book Tour & Review: Oxford Shadows (The Oxford Trilogy #2) by Marion Croslydon
My Review: I had a chance to review Oxford Whispers (The Oxford Trilogy, #1) back in February, so I jumped on the chance to review book two of the series. I just had to know what was next for Madison and Rupert!
Oxford Whispers once again showcases Madison's unique ability to see and communicate with the dead, only this time, it isn't a painting that brings her into the past - its a ghost that appears to her while attending the Opera with Rupert and his family. While Madison is busy trying to figure out who he is and what he wants, a female ghost also makes her presence known, haunting Madison's dreams until she is able to uncover the truth. Suddenly, Madison finds herself not only having to reveal the truth about herself to Rupert's step-mother Camilla, but she has to also convince her that she and her unborn baby are in danger!
I loved Oxford Whispers! There was a nice blend of older characters (such as Madison, Rupert & the rest of the Vance family), as well as the introduction of new characters (I think hands down Sam was my personal favorite, the twist of his story-line was unforeseen and interesting). There is a new, and different twist on Oxford Whispers (which I won't spoil for you), but I have to say that I was really hoping Madison would be able to get out and away from what was going on before it was too late, and I love the way the author blends the new story-line with the per-existing story-line of Madison's powers, and the new ghost she is trying to protect people from. It kept the book fresh and different from the first book, which added to it in that it did not feel like a repeat of the first book, but rather its own novel.
The ending of the story almost brought tears to my eyes. Even though I know Madison was trying to be noble and do what she felt was the best (and right) thing to do, I still wanted to scream that she was making a terrible mistake. There is still one more book in this trilogy, and I sincerely hope that I will be invited to read and review that one for you all as well!
About the Author:ENTER TO WIN : First prize: signed copy of Oxford Shadows + Oxford University T-Shirt Second prize: signed copy of Oxford Shadows + $10 Amazon gift card ... and then 3 people can win an ecopy of Oxford Shadows All are International a Rafflecopter giveaway
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