Sneak Peek! Tea and Primroses Legley Bay Collection Book Two By Tess Thompson
Title: Tea and Primroses (Legley Bay Collection Book Two)
Author: Tess Thompson
Event organized by: Tasty Tours
Book Blurb:
is as it seemed in calm, quaint Legley Bay.
novelist, Constance (last name) lived a seemingly straightforward –
if private – and somewhat predictable life. Friends, beloved
daughter Sutton, a beautiful home, and all the success an author
could wish for. A perfect life….but was it?
When a
hit and run accident suddenly takes her mother’s life, Sutton finds
hidden secrets with her heartbreak. Emotional walls she assumed
Constance had built to protect her privacy may have been to protect
something – or someone – else entirely. Family and friends return
home for support, including her own lost-love, Declan. He’s the
first thing she craves to help her cope with her loss and the
questions she’s left with, but he’s also the last person she
wants to see. Will he be able to put down roots at last?
the loss of true love be the making of a life or is it destined to be
the undoing of everything? When money, power and love combine across
time, anything is possible.
You can purchase this book from Amazon.
Book Excerpt:
guess I’m gone if you’re reading this. I write one of these
letters every June just in case something unexpected happens and I
die. I’ve been doing this for six years now, ever since Roma died
and I realized you and Declan would be orphans once I go.
I know
I won’t need to remind you how much I love you since I’ve said it
to you every day of your life. I hope, despite my lifelong love
affair with words and my unquenched ambition, my actions left no
doubt in your mind that you were everything to me. I’m prouder of
you than anything I ever did, professionally or personally. I was
humbled and honored to be your mother. Thank you for being my
lottery. That said, in mother fashion, I must leave a small list of
1. I
would like to be cremated and my ashes spread in the sea foam on our
beach—just you and Declan.
2. I
want a huge party thrown in my honor and for everyone to make nice
speeches about me. I’m just kidding about the speeches part. No one
is left that really knew me except for you and Declan, Louise and
Aggie. Regardless, I would like a party where you invite all the
townspeople who have wished to see inside the house for twenty years
now. Please ask Louise to help you, because you’ll probably be sad
and not thinking as clearly as you normally do. But, Love, make it a
really good party, the kind most of the people of Legley Bay wouldn’t
normally be invited to. Spend gobs of money. Over-serve them top
shelf alcohol and provide buses back to town so nobody drives drunk
and hurts anyone. And hire a good caterer from Cannon Beach, for
God’s sake,
not Myrnas (no apostrophe—never ceases to amuse me) Fish House.
Make sure there’s some kind of potato dish—the kind I never ate
and which I’m probably regretting now wherever I am. Hire servers
in crisp white aprons that carry around trays and offer delectable
little treats like shrimp and those bacon-wrapped dates you’re so
fond of. Gosh, it sounds lovely and so civilized! My mother would
have hated it. But she’s dead too so we don’t have to worry about
her. Anyway, the party is a way for me to say I’m sorry to all the
good people of Legley Bay for never hosting any parties at the
house—completely selfish of me, I know, but I hate all the mess and
fuss and the small talk—please, kill me now. Ha! I’m already
dead, so that’s really not so funny. Clearly I don’t really think
there’s any chance I’m dying this year since I make such light of
it in this letter. Remember, I’ve been doing this for six years and
I haven’t died yet. After the party, invite the gang over and play
darts and dance in the basement like you all used to in high school.
Sometimes at night when I’m here alone I think I can hear you all
down there but then I realize it’s just the wind.
Don’t marry Roger. You don’t love him. He’s weird. I never
understood one thing he’s ever said.
Call Declan. Get him to come home. You love him and always have. For
Heaven’s sake, this whole nonsense between the two of you has gone
on too long.
Invest some of the money I left you. I was surprised how it grew over
the years and you will be too. That said, please don’t hesitate to
spend a small amount frivolously, like on lovely clothes or a trip
somewhere or even a ridiculous little sports car. I want you to have
whatever you want. I did it all for you anyway.
I know
you won’t mind how much I left for Declan. He was like a son to me,
as you know. But, as it turns out, there was so much to go around. We
have the thirteen bad movies to thank for that.
I must close. I have to get my word count in before 4 or I don’t
get to have a glass of wine. Love you, always, Mommy
About the Author:

Like the characters in Tea and Primroses, Tess is from a small town in Oregon. She currently lives in a suburb of Seattle, Washington with her two young daughters, Emerson and Ella, where she is inspired daily by the view of the Cascade Mountains from her home office window.
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