Review: The Prince by Tiffany Reisz

Wes Railey is still the object of Nora's tamest yet most maddening fantasies, and the one man she can't forget. He's young. He's wonderful. He's also thoroughbred royalty and she's in "his" world now. But Nora is no simpering Southern belle, and her dream of fitting into Wesley's world is perpetually at odds with her dear Søren's relentlessly seductive pull.
Two worlds of wealth and passion call to her and whichever one Nora chooses, it will be the hardest decision she will ever have to make... unless someone makes it for her....
The Original Sinners series by Tiffany Reisz has completely consumed me. This is hands down the best erotica series that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Period. In fact, The Siren was the first erotica book I ever read that I could not put down, and I devoured The Angel in less than 48 hours as well. Ms.Reisz has this way of drawing the reader in and not letting go.
Now.. before I get into the review itself, I must take a moment in all of this to commend Ms.Reisz for writing an erotica/BDSM book that did NOT have its origins as a "Twilight fanfic". This series is completely original - and engaging, weaving intricate story-lines together in a way that leaves the reader begging for more.
The Prince reunites Nora and Wesley - this time on his multi-million dollar farm in Kentucky, where Nora balances her complicated feelings for Wesley (and his for her) along with his father's outright hatred towards her, while back "north", Søren and Kingsley race against the unknown to uncover a threat that is lurking in the shadows waiting to strike.
Upon reading this book - I had so many emotions running through me that I was not, at first, able to write a coherent review. I was shocked by the surprise ending and feeling somewhat unfulfilled (how I wish I had The Mistress (July 2013) available then to dive right into). As always, this book is a wonderful insight into human emotion. Whether or not you agree with Nora's lifestyle (or even have any real knowledge of BDSM), this novel will leave you feeling her pain at being torn between the two men who hold her heart.
I loved that I was able to not only focus on Nora and Wesley's story, but also on the present danger Søren and Kingsley are trying to uncover, while also learning more of their ( Søren and Kingsley's) teenage years and how they became the people we met in her prior novels. There was so much hinted at in The Siren and The Angel that I guessed at the relationship between the two men - and even then I was more than surprised at the truth behind their origins.
In the end - I would run naked in the street screaming praises of this book (and series) - if I were unafraid of being arrested and tossed in jail - they are just that good.
DISCLAIMER: I received an advanced copy of The Prince in exchange for my honest review. This has not reflected on my review in any way.
The Prince is available for purchase from
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