Undone Rebel (Undone Lovers, Book One) by Lila DuBois

Adelita "Addie" Sanchez is an up-and-coming seamstress and clothing designer for her friend LuLu's rockabilly boutique, who has also done a bit of amateur fetish modeling. When she is contacted about doing some additional modeling, Addie is stoked - that is until she finds out that they want her to be the female model for an instructional book on BDSM.
Addie is furious when she turns down the offer, she is by no means a porn star, nor is she entirely comfortable of the idea of engaging in the BDSM lifestyle - even if its only for print. Out of the three male Dominants hired, one in particular takes a special interest in Addie, convincing her that the book is not porn, but rather art, and that he'll make sure she stays safe.
Reluctantly, Addie agrees to do the three photo shoots (one day long shoot with each of the Dominants). After all, the rules have been carefully explained to her; there will be no sex and if she should become uncomfortable, she can stop the action.
What she didn't expect was to enjoy the feelings Lane's dominance over her brought out - nor did she expect to fall for him. After her session with Emory (the second Dominant) Addie is left feeling more confused than ever. Both men have brought out desires and feelings in her she didn't know she possessed, but she only has eyes for Lane.
Can their relationship survive when the whips and paddles are put away?
My Rating: 3 Stars out of 5
I adored Addie's character at first. Her fire and spunk were hard to miss, and I admire anyone who is comfortable enough with themselves, their bodies and their sexuality to agree to the terms that were set forth for the BDSM book. I did not however feel Addie would be as easy-going about her lingerie being ruined (even if she could repair it).
However, I did found one major fault in this book, or rather something I did not agree with. The position of everyone involved in the making of the book declaring that it was not "porn", but rather "art". I'm sorry... last time I checked photographs of someone inserting things into another person's vagina was considered porn. As was someone being photographed having their labia held open by another person. A how-to-guide with drawings is one thing, but in my opinion, actual photographs is porn. Also, the constant use of "pussy" and "puss" made this (at times) read more like a pornographic novel in itself, but there was enough other stuff going on to keep it from fully crossing over.
The chemistry between Lane and Addie was undeniable, and I was happy at the way things played out for them (I was evenly pleasantly surprised at one turn of events). It was an enjoyable experience to see the way they interacted (and reacted) to each other both on set and off. I felt more attention could have been paid to their relationship outside of the book, but hey maybe that will give the author incentive to write a sequel for them!
Overall, I did enjoy this book. I found it to include some very valuable information for those who are new to BDSM novels (and BDSM in general). It was a quick read, and something I am likely to read again.
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