Elite (Eagle Elite #1) by Rachel Van Dyken

Tracey Rooks was your normal teenage girl. Raised by her Grandparents on a farm in Wyoming - she always assumed that she was just like everyone else. Driven by a need to be able to one day provide and take care of her aging Grandfather, Tracey enters a lottery to try and win a scholarship to the Eagle Elite University. She gets in - but gets more than she bargained for.
The students are rude, the "Elect" society is made up of a few select students who run the school however the see fit while the administration turns a blind eye to everything that goes on.
How will Tracey ever convince the snobby student body that she belongs there?
*This is a New Adult Book, blood, violence, cursing, sexual references, and drug use. Not recommended for those under 17.*
My Rating: 4 Stars out of 5
Where to begin this review? I guess I could start off by first saying that I am a fan of Ms.Van Dyken's books. I have loved her Seaside series so far, and I enjoyed her most recent book The Bet.
However, at first I had a hard time getting into Elite. I completely get that these kids are all the sons and daughters of wealthy and well known people, but the way they treat Tracey (or Trace as she prefers to be called) is horrendous. In one instance, she is deliberately drugged and made to look like a slut. In another, she is covered in sugar water, effectively ruining everything she has on her. And during all of this, the campus Administration does nothing.
Elite also seemed to move slower than her other books, but once it got started, it took you on steady ride that left you surprised, and wanting more. You see, the Elect of Eagle Elite (the worst students of the bunch) are all keeping a secret. One that Tracey unknowingly plays a large part in.
The characters were all three dimensional and real, especially Trace. The way she handles herself around these students in commendable, and something I'm not sure most people would be able to do if in her situation. Her emotions are real - she feels hurt and betrayal, friendship and love. Her reactions to things are as would be expected from a person in her position.
The Elect even had their moments, although I found myself time and again wishing it were possible to reach into the book and beat some sense into Nixon. His reasoning behind his actions makes sense, don't get me wrong, but sometimes.. he handles things in the complete wrong way.
All in all, I think Ms.Van Dyken has done a wonderful job setting the stage for a great new series of books - and if you ask me - she has another hit on her hands with Elite.
DISCLAIMER: I received an advanced copy of Elite in exchange for my honest review. This has not reflected on my review in any way.
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