Book Tour & Review: Too Good To Be True by Christy McKee

Gabrielle March has always known her place in the world and it is clearly not in the ranks of the rich and famous. Now she’s about to get an amazing gift from someone who is rich and famous that will rewrite her past, change the course of her future and put her life in danger. As someone who’s always considered herself merely a spectator in life, Gabrielle will have to break out of the confines of that mind set to make her dreams a reality. All she needs is a mega dose of courage and some positive thinking— two traits in short supply—to finance her own video production company and take her rightful place in a world that should have been hers all along.
After surviving the divorce from hell, corporate king pin, Pierce Hastings, is back in the game. Finding the right woman was not happening until the exasperating, opinionated, utterly charming Gabrielle March invades his life. He’s baffled that a woman so outwardly bold and confident harbors such self doubt and low self esteem beneath her skin. Pierce wants to spend the rest of his life with her but first Gabrielle must learn to love herself and believe in her amazing talent. Known as the “fixer,” Pierce wars with himself to remain “hands off” until Gabrielle figures things out for herself and chooses to become the woman he knows she can be.
Review: First, let me get the one negative thing I have to say out, I did not care for the book cover. It did not seem to convey what the story was about once you became involved with it. In fact, just based on the cover alone, this was probably not a book that I would have chosen.
That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed "Too Good To Be True". The banter and love/hate relationship between Gabrielle and Pierce was thoroughly amusing . Its much different from your "typical romance" novel, as they don't fall right into bed together, but rather, spend half their time at adds which (in my opinion) leads to a more enjoyable and believable story-line. In fact, Ms. McKee has a way of writing all of her characters so that they are unique and believable even with their private flaws.
As this is considered a romance novel, there are some sexual scenes included in "Too Good To Be True" that may make some readers uncomfortable, but they are well written, and do not distract from the overall story.
The ending of the novel ties up the entire story beautifully, closing the story in a way that not only answers all of the questions posed throughout, but also in a way that leaves the reader satisfied. Half romance, and half mystery, "Too Good To Be True" is full of twists and surprises that will keep your interest, and keep you guessing up until the very end.
About the Author:
Want to learn more? You can find out via: The Author's Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter & Goodreads
Read the complete first chapter of "Too Good To Be True" HERE
Read an excerpt from "Too Good To Be True" HERE
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