Review: Trial and Terror by Adam L. Penenberg

What is the only bad thing that can come about a public defender winning their first case? The knowledge that their client is guilty.
Unfortunately for Summer Neuwirth the case involving the brutal rape and kidnapping of a young woman hits too close to home, and what is more unsettling is the client she just helped walk free knows entirely too much about her own past.
As Summer diligently works on her next case, this time a murder trial which will take everything she has to keep an innocent woman off death row, certain aspects of her own past will come to light that makes her reconsider everything she has ever known.
My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Trial and Terror begins with a murder, something that is not only hard to overlook, but that draws the reader in from page one.
Your first glimpse of Summer is in the courtroom as she wins her very first acquittal as a public defender. Unfortunately, her client (that she has just now allowed to walk free), has psycho stalker tendencies... and his attention is now focused on her.
The twisting story-lines that encompass this book keep you guessing until the very last page. Who is Summer really? And where has her mother been all these years? The questions keep coming, and keep the reader gripped, right up until two surprise twists take the book to the ending you've been hoping for, and the one you didn't see coming.
Trial and Terror is available for purchase from by clicking HERE.
DISCLAIMER: I received an advanced copy of Trial and Terror in exchange for my honest review. This has not reflected on my review in any way.
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